Risk Agreement

  1. General Provisions

1.1. Before registering on the Company's website, the Client (potential Client) undertakes to study this Risk Agreement.

1.2. The Client's registration on the Company's website, in the trading terminal, as well as any intention to carry out operations on the trading platform, constitutes grounds to assume that the Client has fully studied and agreed to the provisions of this Risk Agreement.

1.3. The Risk Agreement is an integral part of the User Agreement for the provision of services.

1.4. It is hereby defined that the Client's consent to the terms of the User Agreement for the provision of services simultaneously constitutes consent to all provisions of the Risk Agreement.

1.5. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the list of risks reflected in this agreement is not exhaustive due to the great variability of possible events in the financial market.

1.6. The Risk Agreement is for informational (warning) purposes.

  1. Purpose of the Risk Agreement

2.1. The objectives of this Risk Agreement are:

2.1.1. to inform the Client as much as possible about the possible risks associated with trading operations in financial markets;

2.1.2. to warn the Client about the risks associated with working with derivatives;

2.1.3. to disclose to the Client information about the possibility of incurring losses as a result of trading in derivative financial instruments.

2.1.4. The Company recommends that the Client, when conducting any operations in the market, correlate the possible risks of such operations with the Client's goals, and most importantly, the Client's capabilities, including financial ones.

2.1.5. Under this Risk Agreement, the Company does not urge the Client to refrain from conducting operations with derivative financial instruments but seeks to help the Client assess possible risks and responsibly approach the conclusion of an agreement with the Company by wisely choosing a trading strategy for financial risks.

  1. Types of Risks

3.1. Trading risks - risks associated with the trading process:

3.1.1. Market instability (including sudden changes in the price of the underlying asset); The Client should be aware that various economic events can lead to sharp changes in asset values. When such an event occurs at market close, the price of the underlying asset at market open may differ significantly from the price at market close. In addition, the Client may lose the opportunity to close an open trade at a favorable price. Such cases can result in both significant losses and substantial profits.

3.1.2. Market volatility; Changes always occur in an open market. The more dynamic the market, the faster the price of a financial instrument changes, and therefore the greater the potential profit. It should be understood that highly volatile assets are not only characterized by a high rate of return but also pose a greater risk of capital loss.

3.1.3. Liquidity of financial instruments; The value of assets is influenced by a huge number of factors, ranging from supply and demand to economic and political events on national or international scales. The Client must adapt to constantly changing market conditions and understand that there is always a possibility of not receiving the planned profit for one reason or another.

3.1.4. The Client understands and acknowledges that the processing time for their order (instruction) in unstable market conditions (conditions other than normal) always increases. At the same time, there can only be one Client request in the queue on the Company's server. An attempt to send a duplicate request will be rejected;

3.1.5. The Client realizes that the entire activity is based on a derivative financial instrument, i.e., its price is derived from the price of the underlying asset to which it is linked.

3.2. Non-trading risks - risks associated with external working conditions:

3.2.1. Power outages or complete power failure, equipment failure at the Client's or the communication operator's premises;

3.2.2. The use by the Client of communication channels, software, or equipment associated with the risk of not receiving (or receiving late) messages from the Company;

3.2.3. Complete disconnection of the Client's communication channels (physical destruction), leading to the absence of communication between the Client's provider, the communication operator, and the Company's server;

3.2.4. Poor quality of transmission over communication channels used by the Client or channels used by the communication operator, which, in turn, is used by the Client;

3.2.5. Improper operation of the Client's equipment;

3.2.6. Disconnection of communication channels used by the Company, in particular due to their destruction (damage) by third parties;

3.2.7. Actions or inactions of third parties, including malicious ones, which have led or may lead to failures (complete disconnection) of electrical systems, communication systems, information systems, etc.;

3.2.8. The Client acknowledges that derivative trading activities are directly dependent on the operation of the Internet network, so there is always a risk of interruptions in the functioning or complete disconnection of communication channels, equipment, software, which may result in failure to execute the Client's order on time and in accordance with their instructions. The Company is not responsible in the event of such non-execution;

3.2.9. The Client understands that as a result of disruptions in the operation of the Internet network (including, but not limited to, software failures, hardware connections, hacker attacks, etc.) or its complete absence, access to the trading terminal, website, and Company server will be closed. The Company is not responsible for any losses (lost profits, other expenses, etc.) incurred by the Client as a result of events during which the Client did not have access to the trading terminal (website, server), and the Client's order was not executed. The Client acknowledges that such events are beyond the Company's control.

3.2.10. The Client assumes any risks (including financial) associated with disruptions in the operation of the network, software, communication, equipment, etc.

3.2.11. The Client is aware of the risk of incurring a loss from a transaction, financial loss due to force majeure circumstances, including extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances, including, but not limited to: wars, floods, fires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, strikes, terrorist acts, mass unrest, riots, changes in existing legislation, software failures, electrical grid disruptions, instability in quote flow, and so on, which, in the Company's opinion, have led or could lead to changes in market conditions regarding financial instruments (assets) and hindered proper performance of obligations; closure of any market on the basis of which the Company provides quotes, its liquidation or suspension of operations, introduction of special restrictions on such market, certain conditions, as well as the occurrence or non-occurrence of any event within such market;

3.3. The Company may provide the Client with various types of information, including analytical, news, financial, and other market information, as well as provide its comments and recommendations on market conditions (hereinafter - Information). At the same time, the Client realizes that:

3.3.1. such Information is provided by the Company for informational purposes only, the Company is not responsible for such Information and does not provide any guarantees as to its relevance, accuracy, and correctness;

3.3.2. such Information is purely informative and is not a direct recommendation for action or advice to the Client;

3.3.3. any decision regarding the Client's investments or transactions made by him is solely the responsibility of the Client and does not depend on the Company's Information in any way;

3.3.4. if the Information is restricted in relation to a certain person or category of persons, the Client undertakes not to disseminate such Information to such person or category of persons;

3.3.5. independently decides whether to use such Information when making decisions. At the same time, the Company does not guarantee that upon receiving Information from the Client, it will remain relevant;

3.3.6. The Company may at any time, at its own discretion, edit or delete Information without prior notice to the Client.

3.3.7. The Company will not advise the Client on the profitability of a transaction, provide forecasts on open positions, or make recommendations on investment decisions.

3.4. The Client acknowledges that the Company's server is the only reliable source of information about current quotes. The quotes reflected in the Client's trading terminal are not reliable due to possible unstable connection between the Client's trading terminal and the Company's server, as a result of which part of the asset rates may not reach the trading terminal.

3.5. All losses, including financial losses, associated with the Client's failure to receive messages from the Company or with delays in receiving them, are the responsibility of the Client.

3.6. The risk of repeating operations, in case the Client did not receive confirmation of the transaction status for the previous instruction and sent a new one, is the responsibility of the Client.

3.7. The Client acknowledges that information received and/or sent by email in unencrypted form is not protected from unauthorized access by third parties.

3.8. Closing the web browser window by the Client does not cancel the instruction or request that has already been sent by him for processing.

3.9. The Client bears full responsibility for maintaining all confidential information related to his trading operations. Any financial losses of the Client associated, inter alia, with unauthorized access to the Client's trading terminal (Personal Account) by third parties are the responsibility of the Client.

3.10. The Company is not responsible for unauthorized access by third parties to the Client's personal data, email addresses, email content, access data, etc., which occurred or may have occurred as a result of transmitting such information between the Company and any other party through Internet communication, telephone or electronic means.

3.11. The Client assumes full responsibility for possible financial and other losses (risks) if the execution of operations becomes impossible due to legislative restrictions imposed by the Client's country of residence.

3.12. The Company does not guarantee that operations related to the turnover of derivative financial instruments are not or will not be subject to taxation. The Company does not provide legal, financial, and other advice on the Client's transactions. The Client undertakes to seek qualified assistance independently if he has any questions or doubts regarding tax obligations. The Client is responsible for paying any fees (including taxes) for the transactions he makes.

3.13. If the Client's funds for replenishing the Account (withdrawing from the Account) pass through third parties, the Company is not responsible for the actions and/or inaction of such persons.

3.14. By subscribing to the Company's Trading Signals, the Client understands and accepts that Trading Signals are not an offer, a direct indication (recommendation) to the Client to conclude a transaction, or professional advice. Moreover, the Company does not guarantee that Trading Signals represent truthful, accurate, and up-to-date information. The Company is not responsible to the Client or third parties for the Trading Signals themselves or for decisions made based on them.

3.15. By sending an Application to the Company to execute a transaction, the Client fully realizes his actions, assessing opportunities and losses.

3.16. The Client chooses his own trading strategy and takes specific actions, relying either on his own personal knowledge and understanding of the market or on the opinions of professional independent experts in this field who are not affiliated with the Company.

3.17. Any decision made by the Client on the financial market platform is the responsibility of the Client.

3.18. The Client understands that activities in the derivatives financial instruments market are speculative, and therefore associated with risks and suitable only for those who are aware of and willing to take financial, legal, and other risks. In addition, such persons have sufficient knowledge and are prepared for losses of invested amounts taking into account their life (financial) situation.

We aim to provide you with a full understanding of potential risks and offer tools for their minimization. With Quotex, you get not only a trading platform but also a reliable partner who cares about your safety and success.