Trading Regulations

  1. Scope of Application

1.1. This Regulation on Trading Operations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation") establishes the procedure for conducting trading operations that are the subject of the User Agreement for the provision of services, as well as defines the basic conditions for the Client to carry out such operations.

1.2. This Regulation is an integral part of the User Agreement for the provision of services.

1.3. This Regulation defines, among other things: - the procedure and methods of interaction between the Company and the Client; - the procedure for processing and executing the Client's instructions (orders, requests) to conduct a transaction; - determination of the transaction payout amount; - the procedure for processing and executing instructions to close (prematurely close) a transaction; - trading hours; - special conditions for conducting transactions; - other conditions for conducting transactions.

1.4. It is hereby established that the Client's consent to the terms of the User Agreement for the provision of services simultaneously constitutes consent to all provisions of the Regulation.

1.5. The purpose of this Regulation, among other things, is to define the actions of the Company when conducting trading operations.

1.6. In case of inconsistency between the provisions of this Regulation and individual provisions of the User Agreement for the provision of services, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply. This circumstance does not invalidate the remaining provisions of the User Agreement for the provision of services.

1.7. The Company reserves the right to unilaterally amend the provisions of this Regulation at any time without prior notice to the Client.

  1. General Provisions

2.1. The Client conducts trading operations (transactions) exclusively at the expense of their own funds deposited into the Client's personal account.

2.2. The Client has the right to carry out trading operations only if the balance on the Client's account is sufficient to conduct such operations. If the actual balance of funds in the Client's account as of the date of the transaction is lower than the required amount for it, the transaction is not concluded.

2.3. Each trading operation of the Client is assigned a specific identifier according to the rules established by the Company.

2.4. The appearance of the corresponding record in the Company's server database is the basis for considering the Client's request for the conclusion (closure) of a transaction as executed, and the transaction itself as concluded (closed). The conclusion (closure) of a transaction is made at the quote that was last reflected on the Company's server at the time the Company received the corresponding instruction from the Client.

2.5. When conducting trading operations, the Client is not allowed to:

2.5.1. Collude with other Clients to cause any kind of damage to the Company, as well as to engage in actions aimed at finding dishonest methods of conducting transactions, thereby seeking to gain additional financial benefit from such actions (unjust enrichment);

2.5.2. Create, select, use various automated mechanisms, algorithms, and other specialized software products that allow the Client to carry out operations without their direct participation;

2.5.3. Use the Company's trading platform and the services provided with it for any unlawful actions, including fraudulent ones, as well as for transactions contrary to the laws of the country where the Client is located.

2.6. When conducting trading operations, the Company has the right to:

2.6.1. Regulate (limit) the minimum and/or maximum transaction amount of the Client;

2.6.2. Regulate (limit) the total amount of transactions concluded by the Client;

2.6.3. Regulate (limit) the total number of transactions conducted by the Client within a certain period of time established by the Company at its discretion;

2.6.4. Regulate (limit) the total number of transactions conducted by the Client for a specific Company asset;

2.6.5. Regulate (limit) the total number of transactions conducted by the Client simultaneously and/or transactions for one asset;

2.6.6. Establish other limitations on any transaction terms at its own discretion.

  1. Basic Rules of Communication and Message Exchange Methods

3.1. Communication between the Company and the Client is carried out through message exchange.

3.2. Any message from either Party may only be created in the trading terminal.

3.3. It is hereby established that any message received by the Company through the Client's trading terminal (opened using the Client's username and password) is considered to be received from the Client.

3.4. Under equal conditions, the Client's request (instruction, inquiry) is processed by the Company within 0-4 seconds. In the event of destabilization of market conditions regarding a particular asset and/or disruption of the quality of communication between the Client's terminal and the Company's server, the processing time of the request may be increased.

3.5. The Company reserves the right to reject the Client's request in the following cases:

3.5.1. There are insufficient funds in the Client's account to carry out the operation;

3.5.2. When opening (closing) the market, if the Client submits a request before the first quote is received (after the last quote is received) in the trading terminal;

3.5.3. In case of unstable market conditions (at the discretion of the Company);

3.5.4. In other conditions determined by the Company unilaterally.

  1. Basic Principles of Conducting Trading Operations

4.1. Conclusion of a transaction is possible only with the agreement of the Company and the Client on its essential conditions, which include:

4.1.1. Client's choice of underlying asset;

4.1.2. Client's determination of the direction of the asset price change;

4.1.3. Indication of the transaction amount by the Client;

4.1.4. Determination of the expiration period of Digital trading by the Client;

4.1.5. Target price level of the asset quotation.

4.2. After determining all the conditions, the Client undertakes to familiarize themselves with the current rate of the selected asset, as well as with the size of the possible payout.

4.3. The agreement on the conditions specified in clause 4.1. of this Regulation is carried out through message exchange between the Company and the Client (the Client's request for a transaction, confirmation of the transaction, etc.).

4.4. The application for concluding a transaction is sent by the Client to the Company through the trading terminal. The application must contain all the essential conditions of the transaction.

4.5. The Client's application received by the Company's server is checked for the correctness of its preparation and compliance with market conditions.

4.6. If the request submitted by the Client is correct and complies with the basic rules of its preparation, it is executed by the server.

4.7. The Client's request will be rejected if:

4.8. The client cannot cancel their instruction to execute a transaction if it has already been sent to the Company's server and is in the "executing" status.

4.9. The Company sends the result of processing the client's request to the client's trading terminal: - if the client's request to enter into a transaction is approved, the client will see a graphical confirmation of the corresponding transaction in a special section of their trading terminal; - if the client's request to enter into a transaction is rejected, the client will see an error message in their trading terminal; - if the client has not received either a graphical confirmation of the transaction or an error message, the client has the right to contact the Company's technical support service to determine the status of such a transaction.

4.10. In the case of a transaction on the client's account, only the transaction amount is debited (no commission is charged).

4.11. Information posted on the Company's website containing data on the size of payouts for transactions is approximate. The client can obtain accurate information about the profit percentage only in the trading terminal after determining all the essential conditions of the transaction and processing the corresponding application by the Company.

4.12. The client agrees that the Company's server is the sole source reflecting reliable information about the flow of quotes.

4.13. By posting information about current asset prices on the server, the Company has the right to use any sources of information at its discretion. In the event that information about the flow of quotes on the Company's server differs from the information published on other sources, trading operations are not subject to revision (cancellation).

4.14. The client understands and acknowledges that in the event of the absence (violation) of uninterrupted Internet connection between the Company's server and the client's trading terminal or other technical failures (deficiencies) in the software, the flow of quotes or its part may not be reflected in the client's trading terminal. In this case, the information about the flow of quotes is not correct and reliable.

4.15. The client agrees that all graphs in the trading terminal are purely advisory and do not reflect the actual transaction price at the time of its execution by the client.

4.16. If the client's request for transaction execution was executed at a non-market quote, despite the fact that such a quote was reflected in the client's trading terminal at the time of the transaction, the Company has the right to cancel the financial result of such a transaction.

  1. Closing transactions

5.1. Upon expiration of the time of opening trading positions, automatic execution of the contract (closing the transaction) will occur.

5.2. In the event of a profit for the client, the client's account balance will increase by the payout amount, and the transaction will be removed from the list of open transactions in the trading terminal.

5.3. At the moment of transaction expiration, the trading platform automatically records the current market price of the contract. The fixed value is compared with the price at which the contract was acquired, which allows summarizing the transaction:

5.3.1. if the direction of the asset price movement is correctly determined (profitable strategy), the client receives a fixed payout size determined at the stage of transaction execution;

5.3.2. if the market changes the value of the asset price in the opposite direction (unprofitable strategy), the payout size will be zero.

5.4. A profitable strategy (Digital trading is in a profitable zone) is characterized by the following conditions:

5.4.1. if the market price of the selected asset at the time of expiration is higher than the target level of the transaction, and the contract was acquired for an increase in the asset's value ("Above" or "Call");

5.4.2. if the market price of the selected asset at the time of expiration is lower than the target level of the transaction, and the contract was acquired for a decrease in the asset's value ("Below" or "Put").

5.5. If the market price of the selected asset and the target level of the transaction at the time of its expiration are equal, the client will receive the amount spent on purchasing the contract.

5.6. If there is a technical possibility and the Company's consent, the client has the right to early close the transaction (the function of closing Digital trading before expiration).

5.7. Early closure of the transaction is possible only with the agreement of the Company and the client on its essential conditions. The agreement of such conditions is carried out by exchanging messages between the Company and the client - the client submits an application to close the transaction, and the Company, in turn, confirms (or does not confirm) the closure.

5.8. Before sending a request to the Company to close the selected client transaction, the client undertakes to familiarize themselves with the essential condition, namely, the payout amount for the open transaction in case of its early closure.

5.9. The Company determines the payout amount for early closure of the transaction at its discretion unilaterally. The payout amount is influenced in particular by: - transaction amount; - asset quote (market and target); - transaction duration; - market dynamics; - other market factors and conditions.

5.10. The client's request to close the transaction received by the Company's server is checked for correctness of its preparation and compliance with the current market conditions. If the client's submitted request is correct and complies with the basic rules of its preparation, it is executed by the Company's server; otherwise, it is canceled.

5.11. The server may cancel the client's request for early closure of the transaction if: - there has been a significant change in the asset's exchange rate since the client's request was sent and until it is processed by the Company; - the time has expired when it is possible to close the transaction early; - the Company at its discretion considers the circumstance sufficient to reject the client's application.

5.12. The client cannot cancel the instruction to close the transaction if it has already been sent to the Company's server.

5.13. The result of processing the request to close the transaction is reflected in the client's trading terminal, provided that there is a technical possibility for the Company and uninterrupted Internet connection between the Company's server and the client's terminal.

5.14. If the client does not find the result of executing the request to close the transaction in their trading terminal within a reasonable time, they must contact the Company's technical support service to determine the status of such a request.

5.15. When conducting an operation to close the transaction, the payout amount is added to the client's account balance, and no commission fee is charged.

5.16. Information posted on the Company's website containing data on the size of payouts upon closing the transaction is approximate. The client can obtain accurate information only in the trading terminal after determining all the essential conditions of the transaction and processing the corresponding application by the Company.

  1. Transaction Timing

6.1. The period during which the client can carry out trading operations is determined by the Company unilaterally for each individual asset.

6.2. The trading schedule posted on the Company's website is approximate and may change at the Company's discretion.

  1. Special Cases of Transactions

7.1. Special cases of transactions are considered to be events that are beyond the control of the Parties, and none of the persons representing the Party can control the occurrence of these circumstances.

7.2. Special cases of transactions include any situations that differ from normal and commonly accepted situations within business transactions, including: - natural and man-made disasters;

7.3. Upon the occurrence of any of the circumstances listed in section 7 of this Regulation, the actual actions of the Company in conducting trading operations may contradict the provisions of this Regulation. In addition, the Company reserves the right to: - cancel client requests, including requests to enter into transactions, close transactions (early closure), and other requests;

7.4. The Company reserves the right to act in accordance with section 7.3 of this Regulation in situations not named in section 7.2 of the Regulation and/or in section 11 of the User Agreement for the provision of services.

With Quotex, you will always be confident in your actions and protected from unexpected situations. Review our Trading Operations Regulation and ensure our commitment to transparency and reliability.